Thursday, April 11, 2019

Ramblings of Old Man

Here's some unformed thoughts as I approach the midway point of re-roofing a neglected garage. Again, do not take my advice on any kind of construction project. There is some reward in attempting this kind of home maintenance but the minutiae of modern products and the disparity of opinions makes for a painful entrance into trade work like carpentry and roofing and electrical. The specialized skills and finesse and tools are gained over decades, not by watching ten minute videos. But the same disparity in approach makes it easier to simply attempt it oneself. I could re-roof this garage 3 times wrong and one time right and still save money over paying a contractor to do it. So, the effort is barely within the realm of my muscles and back so why not attempt it? It's not a failure to call someone more experienced but paying someone else definitely doesn't mean you will get a good product well assembled. It only means you can blame someone else. Home maintenance was once straight forward, maybe not easy, but straight forward. Now it involves major research and experience. But there is a process to home repair and maybe that's what I'm aiming at. Find a problem, research the problem and possible solutions. Assemble tools and material and attempt a repair. It's all scientific method....theory and hypothesis and experiment.

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